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Resource CodeSystem/FHIR Server from package kbv.mio.laborbefund#1.0.0-kommentierung (78 ms)

Package kbv.mio.laborbefund
Type CodeSystem
Id Id
FHIR Version R4
Source https://simplifier.net/resolve?scope=kbv.mio.laborbefund@1.0.0-kommentierung&canonical=https://fhir.kbv.de/CodeSystem/KBV_CS_MIO_LAB_ELGA_Specimen_Type_SNOMED_German
Url https://fhir.kbv.de/CodeSystem/KBV_CS_MIO_LAB_ELGA_Specimen_Type_SNOMED_German
Version 1.0.0
Status draft
Name KBV_CS_MIO_LAB_ELGA_Specimen_Type_SNOMED_German
Title ELGA Probenart SNOMED
Experimental False
Description Dieses Codesystem enthält die Codes für deutsche Bezeichner für ELGA Probenart SNOMED.
Copyright Im folgenden Profil können Codes aus den Codesystemen Snomed, Loinc oder Ucum enthalten sein, die dem folgenden Urheberrecht unterliegen: This material includes SNOMED Clinical Terms® (SNOMED CT®) which is used by permission of SNOMED International. All rights reserved. SNOMED CT®, was originally created by The College of American Pathologists. SNOMED and SNOMED CT are registered trademarks of SNOMED International. Implementers of these artefacts must have the appropriate SNOMED CT Affiliate license. This material contains content from LOINC (http://loinc.org). LOINC is copyright © 1995-2020, Regenstrief Institute, Inc. and the Logical Observation Identifiers Names and Codes (LOINC) Committee and is available at no cost under the license at http://loinc.org/license. LOINC® is a registered United States trademark of Regenstrief Institute, Inc. This product includes all or a portion of the UCUM table, UCUM codes, and UCUM definitions or is derived from it, subject to a license from Regenstrief Institute, Inc. and The UCUM Organization. Your use of the UCUM table, UCUM codes, UCUM definitions also is subject to this license, a copy of which is available at ​http://unitsofmeasure.org. The current complete UCUM table, UCUM Specification are available for download at http://unitsofmeasure.org. The UCUM table and UCUM codes are copyright © 1995-2009, Regenstrief Institute, Inc. and the Unified Codes for Units of Measures (UCUM) Organization. All rights reserved. THE UCUM TABLE (IN ALL FORMATS), UCUM DEFINITIONS, AND SPECIFICATION ARE PROVIDED "AS IS." ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES ARE DISCLAIMED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.
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https://fhir.kbv.de/ConceptMap/KBV_CM_MIO_LAB_ELGA_Specimen_Type_SNOMED_German ELGA Probenart SNOMED

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  "resourceType" : "CodeSystem",
  "url" : "https://fhir.kbv.de/CodeSystem/KBV_CS_MIO_LAB_ELGA_Specimen_Type_SNOMED_German",
  "version" : "1.0.0",
  "name" : "KBV_CS_MIO_LAB_ELGA_Specimen_Type_SNOMED_German",
  "title" : "ELGA Probenart SNOMED",
  "status" : "draft",
  "experimental" : false,
  "publisher" : "Kassenärztliche Bundesvereinigung (KBV)",
  "contact" : [
      "telecom" : [
          "system" : "url",
          "value" : "https://mio.kbv.de"
  "description" : "Dieses Codesystem enthält die Codes für deutsche Bezeichner für ELGA Probenart SNOMED.",
  "copyright" : "Im folgenden Profil können Codes aus den Codesystemen Snomed, Loinc oder Ucum enthalten sein, die dem folgenden Urheberrecht unterliegen: This material includes SNOMED Clinical Terms® (SNOMED CT®) which is used by permission of SNOMED International. All rights reserved. SNOMED CT®, was originally created by The College of American Pathologists. SNOMED and SNOMED CT are registered trademarks of SNOMED International. Implementers of these artefacts must have the appropriate SNOMED CT Affiliate license. This material contains content from LOINC (http://loinc.org). LOINC is copyright © 1995-2020, Regenstrief Institute, Inc. and the Logical Observation Identifiers Names and Codes (LOINC) Committee and is available at no cost under the license at http://loinc.org/license. LOINC® is a registered United States trademark of Regenstrief Institute, Inc. This product includes all or a portion of the UCUM table, UCUM codes, and UCUM definitions or is derived from it, subject to a license from Regenstrief Institute, Inc. and The UCUM Organization. Your use of the UCUM table, UCUM codes, UCUM definitions also is subject to this license, a copy of which is available at ​http://unitsofmeasure.org. The current complete UCUM table, UCUM Specification are available for download at http://unitsofmeasure.org. The UCUM table and UCUM codes are copyright © 1995-2009, Regenstrief Institute, Inc. and the Unified Codes for Units of Measures (UCUM) Organization. All rights reserved. THE UCUM TABLE (IN ALL FORMATS), UCUM DEFINITIONS, AND SPECIFICATION ARE PROVIDED \"AS IS.\" ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES ARE DISCLAIMED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.",
  "caseSensitive" : true,
  "content" : "complete",
  "concept" : [
      "code" : "AbstrichausderHarnroehredesPenis",
      "display" : "Abstrich aus der Harnröhre des Penis"
      "code" : "AbstrichauseinerHautblase",
      "display" : "Abstrich aus einer Hautblase"
      "code" : "AbstrichausoberflaechlicherWunde",
      "display" : "Abstrich aus oberflächlicher Wunde"
      "code" : "AbstrichderinnerenNase",
      "display" : "Abstrich der inneren Nase"
      "code" : "AbstrichvomGastrostomiestoma",
      "display" : "Abstrich vom Gastrostomiestoma"
      "code" : "AbstrichvomNabel",
      "display" : "Abstrich vom Nabel"
      "code" : "AbstrichvonderAchselhoehle",
      "display" : "Abstrich von der Achselhöhle"
      "code" : "AbstrichvonderLeiste",
      "display" : "Abstrich von der Leiste"
      "code" : "AbstrichvoneinertiefenWunde",
      "display" : "Abstrich von einer tiefen Wunde"
      "code" : "Abstrichprobe",
      "display" : "Abstrichprobe"
      "code" : "AbstrichprobederoberenAtemwege",
      "display" : "Abstrichprobe der oberen Atemwege"
      "code" : "Abszessabstrich",
      "display" : "Abszessabstrich"
      "code" : "AbszessAspirat",
      "display" : "Abszess-Aspirat"
      "code" : "AdhaesionsObjekttraeger",
      "display" : "Adhäsions-Objektträger"
      "code" : "AlsProbeeingereichteKontaktlinse",
      "display" : "Als Probe eingereichte Kontaktlinse"
      "code" : "AlsProbeeingesandterGefaesskatheter",
      "display" : "Als Probe eingesandter Gefäßkatheter"
      "code" : "AlsProbeeingesandterKontaktlinsenbehaelter",
      "display" : "Als Probe eingesandter Kontaktlinsenbehälter"
      "code" : "AlsProbeeingesandterTrachealtubus",
      "display" : "Als Probe eingesandter Trachealtubus"
      "code" : "AlsProbeeingesandtesGeraetoderMedizinprodukt",
      "display" : "Als Probe eingesandtes Gerät oder Medizinprodukt"
      "code" : "Analabstrich",
      "display" : "Analabstrich"
      "code" : "ArterielleBlutprobe",
      "display" : "Arterielle Blutprobe"
      "code" : "AszitesProbe",
      "display" : "Aszites-Probe"
      "code" : "AtemwegssekretProbe",
      "display" : "Atemwegssekret-Probe"
      "code" : "AugenAbstrich",
      "display" : "Augen-Abstrich"
      "code" : "AugenlidBiopsieProbe",
      "display" : "Augenlid-Biopsie-Probe"
      "code" : "BiopsieProbe",
      "display" : "Biopsie-Probe"
      "code" : "Blutprobe",
      "display" : "Blutprobe"
      "code" : "BlutprobemitAntikoagulans",
      "display" : "Blutprobe mit Antikoagulans"
      "code" : "BlutprobemitEDTA",
      "display" : "Blutprobe mit EDTA"
      "code" : "BronchialsekretProbe",
      "display" : "Bronchialsekret-Probe"
      "code" : "BursaFluessigkeitProbe",
      "display" : "Bursa-Flüssigkeit-Probe"
      "code" : "BuerstenbiopsieProbeOesophagus",
      "display" : "Bürstenbiopsie-Probe Ösophagus"
      "code" : "CerumenProbe",
      "display" : "Cerumen-Probe"
      "code" : "DermatologischeProbe",
      "display" : "Dermatologische Probe"
      "code" : "DialysatProbe",
      "display" : "Dialysat-Probe"
      "code" : "Drainagefluessigkeitsprobe",
      "display" : "Drainageflüssigkeitsprobe"
      "code" : "ProbevonDrainageSpitze",
      "display" : "Probe von Drainage-Spitze"
      "code" : "DuodenalfluessigkeitProbe",
      "display" : "Duodenalflüssigkeit-Probe"
      "code" : "DurchAspirationgewonneneProbe",
      "display" : "Durch Aspiration gewonnene Probe"
      "code" : "Eiterprobe",
      "display" : "Eiterprobe"
      "code" : "ErststrahlUrinprobe",
      "display" : "Erststrahl-Urinprobe"
      "code" : "ExsudatProbe",
      "display" : "Exsudat-Probe"
      "code" : "FluessigesAspiratausdemDouglasRaum",
      "display" : "Flüssiges Aspirat aus dem Douglas-Raum"
      "code" : "Fluessigkeitsprobe",
      "display" : "Flüssigkeitsprobe"
      "code" : "FluessigkeitsprobeauseinerWunde",
      "display" : "Flüssigkeitsprobe aus einer Wunde"
      "code" : "Fruchtwasserprobe",
      "display" : "Fruchtwasserprobe"
      "code" : "FuerBlutkulturengewonneneBlutprobe",
      "display" : "Für Blutkulturen gewonnene Blutprobe"
      "code" : "GallenblasenProbe",
      "display" : "Gallenblasen-Probe"
      "code" : "GalleProbe",
      "display" : "Galle-Probe"
      "code" : "GelenkbiopsieProbe",
      "display" : "Gelenkbiopsie-Probe"
      "code" : "GelenkfluessigkeitProbe",
      "display" : "Gelenkflüssigkeit-Probe"
      "code" : "Genitalabstrich",
      "display" : "Genitalabstrich"
      "code" : "Gewebeprobe",
      "display" : "Gewebeprobe"
      "code" : "GlansPenisAbstrich",
      "display" : "Glans-Penis-Abstrich"
      "code" : "GlaskoerperProbe",
      "display" : "Glaskörper-Probe"
      "code" : "Haarprobe",
      "display" : "Haarprobe"
      "code" : "HaematomProbe",
      "display" : "Hämatom-Probe"
      "code" : "Hautabstrich",
      "display" : "Hautabstrich"
      "code" : "Hautschuppenprobe",
      "display" : "Hautschuppenprobe"
      "code" : "IntrauterinpessarzurEmpfaengnisverhuetungeingereichtalsProbe",
      "display" : "Intrauterinpessar zur Empfängnisverhütung, eingereicht als Probe"
      "code" : "Kapillarblutprobe",
      "display" : "Kapillarblutprobe"
      "code" : "KnochenundGelenkprobe",
      "display" : "Knochen- und Gelenkprobe"
      "code" : "Knochenmarksprobe",
      "display" : "Knochenmarksprobe"
      "code" : "Knochenprobe",
      "display" : "Knochenprobe"
      "code" : "KolonBiopsieProbe",
      "display" : "Kolon-Biopsie-Probe"
      "code" : "KombinierterIntroitusvaginaeundRektalAbstrich",
      "display" : "Kombinierter Introitus vaginae- und Rektal-Abstrich"
      "code" : "Konjunktivalabstrich",
      "display" : "Konjunktivalabstrich"
      "code" : "KorneaAbstrich",
      "display" : "Kornea-Abstrich"
      "code" : "Liquorprobe",
      "display" : "Liquorprobe"
      "code" : "LungenbiopsieProbe",
      "display" : "Lungenbiopsie-Probe"
      "code" : "LymphknotenGewebeprobe",
      "display" : "Lymphknoten-Gewebeprobe"
      "code" : "MagenbiopsieProbe",
      "display" : "Magenbiopsie-Probe"
      "code" : "MagensaftProbe",
      "display" : "Magensaft-Probe"
      "code" : "MikrobenisolatProbe",
      "display" : "Mikrobenisolat-Probe"
      "code" : "MittelstrahlUrinprobe",
      "display" : "Mittelstrahl-Urinprobe"
      "code" : "Mundschleimhautabstrich",
      "display" : "Mundschleimhautabstrich"
      "code" : "Muttermilchprobe",
      "display" : "Muttermilchprobe"
      "code" : "NabelschnurblutProbe",
      "display" : "Nabelschnurblut-Probe"
      "code" : "Nagelprobe",
      "display" : "Nagelprobe"
      "code" : "Nasenabstrich",
      "display" : "Nasenabstrich"
      "code" : "Nasennebenhoehlenabstrich",
      "display" : "Nasennebenhöhlenabstrich"
      "code" : "NasensekretProbe",
      "display" : "Nasensekret-Probe"
      "code" : "NasopharyngealerAbstrich",
      "display" : "Nasopharyngealer Abstrich"
      "code" : "NasopharyngealesAspirat",
      "display" : "Nasopharyngeales Aspirat"
      "code" : "Ohrabstrich",
      "display" : "Ohrabstrich"
      "code" : "OropharyngealesAspirat",
      "display" : "Oropharyngeales Aspirat"
      "code" : "Perikardfluessigkeitsprobe",
      "display" : "Perikardflüssigkeitsprobe"
      "code" : "PerinealerAbstrich",
      "display" : "Perinealer Abstrich"
      "code" : "PeritonealdialysatProbe",
      "display" : "Peritonealdialysat-Probe"
      "code" : "PeritonealfluessigkeitProbe",
      "display" : "Peritonealflüssigkeit-Probe"
      "code" : "PharyngealeSpuelungen",
      "display" : "Pharyngeale Spülungen"
      "code" : "Plasmaprobe",
      "display" : "Plasmaprobe"
      "code" : "PlasmaprobemitCitrat",
      "display" : "Plasmaprobe mit Citrat"
      "code" : "PlasmaprobemitEDTA",
      "display" : "Plasmaprobe mit EDTA"
      "code" : "PlasmaprobeoderSerumprobeoderVollblutprobe",
      "display" : "Plasmaprobe oder Serumprobe oder Vollblutprobe"
      "code" : "Pleurafluessigkeitsprobe",
      "display" : "Pleuraflüssigkeitsprobe"
      "code" : "Probe",
      "display" : "Probe"
      "code" : "ProbeausCervixoderVagina",
      "display" : "Probe aus Cervix oder Vagina"
      "code" : "ProbeausdemEileiter",
      "display" : "Probe aus dem Eileiter"
      "code" : "ProbeausdemMagenDarmTrakt",
      "display" : "Probe aus dem Magen-Darm-Trakt"
      "code" : "ProbeausderAugenregion",
      "display" : "Probe aus der Augenregion"
      "code" : "ProbeausderOhrenregion",
      "display" : "Probe aus der Ohrenregion"
      "code" : "ProbeauseinerWunde",
      "display" : "Probe aus einer Wunde"
      "code" : "ProbeaustieferOperationswunde",
      "display" : "Probe aus tiefer Operationswunde"
      "code" : "ProbederbronchoalveolaerenLavagefluessigkeit",
      "display" : "Probe der bronchoalveolären Lavageflüssigkeit"
      "code" : "ProbederKatheterspitze",
      "display" : "Probe der Katheterspitze"
      "code" : "ProbederunterenAtemwege",
      "display" : "Probe der unteren Atemwege"
      "code" : "ProbedesNasennebenhoehleninhalts",
      "display" : "Probe des Nasennebenhöhleninhalts"
      "code" : "ProbeeinerGelenkprothese",
      "display" : "Probe einer Gelenkprothese"
      "code" : "ProbeeinerKoerperfluessigkeit",
      "display" : "Probe einer Körperflüssigkeit"
      "code" : "Probenichterhalten",
      "display" : "Probe nicht erhalten"
      "code" : "ProbeRespirationstrakt",
      "display" : "Probe Respirationstrakt"
      "code" : "ProbevomGeraetoderMedizinprodukt",
      "display" : "Probe vom Gerät oder Medizinprodukt"
      "code" : "ProbevomNagelgewonnendurchAbschaben",
      "display" : "Probe vom Nagel, gewonnen durch Abschaben"
      "code" : "ProbevonFluessigkeitausdemMittelohr",
      "display" : "Probe von Flüssigkeit aus dem Mittelohr"
      "code" : "ProbevonunbekanntemMaterial",
      "display" : "Probe von unbekanntem Material"
      "code" : "Rachenabstrich",
      "display" : "Rachenabstrich"
      "code" : "Rektalabstrich",
      "display" : "Rektalabstrich"
      "code" : "Samenfluessigkeitsprobe",
      "display" : "Samenflüssigkeitsprobe"
      "code" : "SerumprobevomPatienten",
      "display" : "Serumprobe vom Patienten"
      "code" : "SputumProbe",
      "display" : "Sputum-Probe"
      "code" : "Stuhlprobe",
      "display" : "Stuhlprobe"
      "code" : "Tonsillenabstrich",
      "display" : "Tonsillenabstrich"
      "code" : "TrachealaspiratProbe",
      "display" : "Trachealaspirat-Probe"
      "code" : "UrinkatheterProbe",
      "display" : "Urinkatheter-Probe"
      "code" : "Urinprobe",
      "display" : "Urinprobe"
      "code" : "UrinprobeausdemUreter",
      "display" : "Urinprobe aus dem Ureter"
      "code" : "UrinprobeausderHarnblase",
      "display" : "Urinprobe aus der Harnblase"
      "code" : "UrinprobeausNephrostomiekatheter",
      "display" : "Urinprobe aus Nephrostomiekatheter"
      "code" : "UrinprobeueberDauerkatheter",
      "display" : "Urinprobe über Dauerkatheter"
      "code" : "UrinprobeueberEinmalkatheter",
      "display" : "Urinprobe über Einmalkatheter"
      "code" : "UrogenitaleProbe",
      "display" : "Urogenitale Probe"
      "code" : "Vaginalabstrich",
      "display" : "Vaginalabstrich"
      "code" : "VenoeseBlutprobe",
      "display" : "Venöse Blutprobe"
      "code" : "VollblutProbe",
      "display" : "Vollblut-Probe"
      "code" : "Vulvaabstrich",
      "display" : "Vulvaabstrich"
      "code" : "Zervixabstrich",
      "display" : "Zervixabstrich"
      "code" : "Zungenabstrich",
      "display" : "Zungenabstrich"
  "text" : {

XIG built as of ??metadata-date??. Found ??metadata-resources?? resources in ??metadata-packages?? packages.